Ramadhan, Be The Winner or Loser ?

Ramadhan is the month of giving and mercy, and during this month Alloh blesses the believers with forgiveness and great rewards. . The great  thing is that in this month Alloh gives us extra rewards. This is a  wonderful opportunity for us. We would not waste any of it . We have to spend this month  with  intensive worship, reading of the Qur'an, giving charity, purifying our behavior, and doing good deeds.

Hasan (al Basri) stated: Indeed Allah has made Ramadhan a means of gain for His creation. (Within this month) they race to gain His pleasure through obedience to Him. Some individuals will gain (win), while others will remain back and lose. It is amazing to see a person playing and laughing on a day that the good doers will be rewarded, and the wrong doers  will be defeated.

It is reported that Ali bin Abi Talib would call out on the last day of Ramadhan: Where is the winner so that we may congratulate him, and where is the loser so that we may give him condolences. Oh winner, we congratulate you! Oh loser, may Allah give you ease in your time of calamity.

We should ask ourselves what we want to achieve this month, - something we will carry into our futures. We should  pass the Ramadhon without failure, which we're all trying to grapple with. What should we do in the days ? And how to be the “winner” ? We should  have a clear strategy for racing toward the goal.

To be  the winner in Ramadhan just spend its days and nights and use our time productively:

Increase the quality of our prayers (salaah).
Establish a close relationship with the Qur'an by giving  the top priority to read it  as much  as we  can.
Increase our  Sunnah worship. It is an easy form of ibadaa but the rewards are very high.
Purify our  behavior. Make a special effort to speak only to add value and to say only what is true,   and useful. Don’t let our ears  hear  anything that is useless and  indecent. And remember to watch  our gaze toward a member of opposite sex.  
Make us more charitable to  orphan children and  to the poor people .
Make a  DAILY DEEDS CHECKLIST that will give us a means to be aware of some of those many acts and deeds which we could be doing on a daily basis and gives us a simple way to keep track of what we've managed to achieve each day.

Make this our  BEST Ramadan so far ! Don't let this blessed  month come and go without taking action . We might not reach another Ramadhan, so watch for ourselves!
So by the end of Ramadhan will we be among the winners or losers? That is up to us. So let us ACT NOW to be among the winners and not among the losers!

Author : Tri Winasis

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